Frölicking trails since 2010

Frölicking trails since 2010
Frölicking trails since 2010

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Post Heart Surgery - SUCCESS!


I have no memory of this photo. Apparently I asked the doctor to take it.

If you read my last blog post, you know that I just had heart surgery for Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. The surgery was a SUCCESS! Apparently after the surgeons were finished, I asked the doctor to take my picture (see above). I also did a lot of singing and talking in a Scottish accent as I was coming out of the anesthesia...Too bad I don't remember any of that.

Now that the procedure is over, I will have 7 days of 'house arrest', where I'll be limited to barely any walking in order to let my 3 incisions heal (one in each leg and one in my neck). After that initial 7 days, I'll be able to do more, though still limited. My normal running probably won't happen until 2 weeks from now, but it all depends on how well I heal. Since running and exercise is taboo for the next week or two, now I know how Animal must have felt (see below).

That said...THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!! Every hug, text, facebook message, wink, nod, high five, fist bump, chest bump, snail, turkey, slap, e-mail, letter, phone call meant THE WORLD to me! To all my family and friends, I thank you from the bottom of my improved heart for all the kind words and support through everything. I felt the Love, and you show me the true meaning of happiness. I Love you all!

Group Hug after my DNF at the Trailfactor 50k

Lesson Learned

I'm not invincible. Nobody is. Even Highlander immortals can be defeated by the sword. what?!

ruuuunning...ruuuuunning! Running! RUNNING! RUNNING! RUNNING! RUNNING! RUNNING! RUNNING!

There's a renewed fire in my burning heart, and I'm amped to get back running again. After experiencing a couple DNFs, dropping out of Bighorn and Wasatch, and taking time off from focus has shifted to becoming first a healthier runner, then a stronger/faster runner. The Plantar Fasciitis in my left foot is still ever present (and it will be for a while), but it's taught me to be patient and to take better care of my body. That means more self-massage, core exercises, better nutrition, and general icing. This whole experience has been such a blessing, and I can already see its immediate benefit in how I plan to approach my training/living.

I'll get back on the trails soon...and when I do, it's gonna be one hell of a comeback.

Thanks, Cheers, and much Love,
