Frölicking trails since 2010

Frölicking trails since 2010
Frölicking trails since 2010

Potent Quotables

"Bid me run and I will strive with things impossible" - Shakespeare

"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
-David Horton

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." 
- Howard Thurman

"I always start these events with very lofty goals, like I'm going to do something special. And after a point of body deterioration, the goals get evaluated down to basically where I am now - where the best I can hope for is to avoid throwing up on my shoes."
- Ephraim Romesberg, 65 miles into Badwater

Once you pass a certain point in the journey, you have to stop becoming more like the people you admire and start becoming your own unique self."
-Dean Karnazes